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When people wake up next to beautiful partners after mind-blowing sex, they don't expect to receive news that they were exposed to a potentially deadly virus.

Ten minutes ago, I was giddy and glowing after having Blake's hands all over me. I didn't feel awkward or self-conscious as he caressed my skin or called out my name. I felt desirable and carefree.

Now, I'm worried. Not for myself, but for my dad. He's older and more at risk for the side effects of contracting covid. I've seen the news like everyone else. Instead of thinking this is a hoax, I believe this is a cause for concern. People have died from this.

With the towel still wrapped around my waist, I sit on the edge of the bed. Blake comes behind me, his legs on each side, and wraps his arms around me as he nuzzles my neck. His presence is comforting, and I lean into him.

Even though I'm worried about Dad, I think of Blake too, because he works with sick people every day. No one is safe, especially doctors.

"Are you okay? I ask, doing my best to keep my voice even.

"Yeah. I'm young and healthy enough that I'm not at high risk. That doesn't mean I won't get sick, but I knew what I was getting into when the virus was announced. I'm more concerned about you and your dad."

I don't know how to express my thoughts. Me? I feel fine. I've heard a lot of people are asymptomatic, so maybe just once, I'll get lucky where the universe gives me a break. My dad isn't the healthiest person though. If he gets the virus, he could die.

"I'll be fine," I croak. "I don't know what to do about my dad. I can't be near him."

Blake runs his hands along the length of my arms until they cover mine and our fingers entwine. "It will be okay."


"You can quarantine with me. I have an extra room."

"What about my dad? I can't be around him, and I would need to get some kind of overnight essentials."

"It's okay," he assures me. "One step at a time. Is there anyone who can get your things for you?"

My first thought is of Val. She will gladly help me. She'll have a million questions, especially since I forgot to call her between all the sex I had last night. Whoops. It's almost worth it, minus the part about the virus.

"Yes," I say with a nod.

"Good. Have either you or your dad been exposed before today? Do you know if your he was around anyone with the virus?"

I shake my head. "He's avoiding contact with everyone as much as possible. He's over sixty and has a heart condition."

Until now, because I was stupid and wanted to get outside for a night. What if there's an emergency and Dad has no way to call for help? If something happens to him, it will be my fault.

Out of habit, I look around for my phone. I need to call him and let him know what's going on, but I don't know where I left my device. I can't remember the last time I haven't brought it to bed with me. It's not here, and my first thought is the garage, wherever I flung my clothes or deposited my shirt.

When I stand up, the towel catches on Blake's hand, and it comes undone, leaving me stark naked. I can't help my grin when his blue eyes darken into a shade of the sky before a storm. There is lust in his gaze, and I notice him dig his fingers into the sheets.

I reach for the towel, but he whips it away. "Don't you dare," he wheezes.

He can't possibly be ready for more, but the bulge growing in his briefs says otherwise. His gaze is glued to my body, scanning me from head to toe as he moistens his bottom lip.

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