>Chapter 17<

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You were done and you washed your dishes and sat quietly next to Taehyung.

Taehyung: So... how are you feeling?

Y/n: ...Okay I guess.

Taehyung: I'm sorry...

You were shocked to see Taehyung apologizing to you. You were speechless.

Y/n: I..Its o..okay. But why are you apologizing?

Taehyung: Because I ignored you. I didn't know what to do. It's still new to me of what's happening right now. I've been such a bad husband, imagine the what a bad appa I'll be...

Y/n: No, you're not a bad husband. I'm 100% sure you'll be a wonderful Appa too.

You said as you hugged him. He was suprised that you hugged him so he hugged you back.

Taehyung: I'm sorry hurting you too. Please forgive me.

The way he said it made you tear. You couldn't control you tears and cried on his shoulder.

Y/n: I... f..forgive y..you. Tae.... I love you.

Taehyung: I love you too Y/n.

Your'll let go and Taehyung kissed you with love and passion and you did the same.

Taehyung: Y/n.

Y/n: Hmm..

Taehyung: Don't like woman when their pregnant go for tests and all?

Y/n: Saturday's my first test.

Taehyung: Okay, we can go together.

Y/n: Sure.

Taehyung: Let's go out.

Y/n: Were?

Taehyung: I don't know, were do you wanna go?

Y/n: To eat.

You gave him a innocent smile. He giggled at your request.

Taehyung: Are you always hungry?

Y/n: Yes, can we go now.

Taehyung: *laughs* Okay.

Your'll went to the cafe to eat something. You ordered a desert instead of food cause you were craving for it. Taehyung on the other hand ordered just a drink.

Taehyung's POV

You were ordering something for Y/n and you when you saw SOO-AH!!! entering the same cafe that your'll were in but she wasn't alone, she had a guy with her.

Taehyung: (Huh! Slut)

You thought.

She eyed you and smirked. She was looking for a place to sit so she sat behind your'll which really pissed you off. You looked at Y/n, happily eating her food... more like desert. You chuckled at her eating. Soo-ah on the other hand was talking really loud for you hear.

Guy: Awwww babygirl

Soo-ah: *giggles* I love youuuu.

Guy: I love you moreee baby.

You couldn't take it anymore so you told Y/n if she could make fast.

Taehyung: Y/n, could you make fast please.

Y/n: Why?

Taehyung: I wanna take you somewhere.

Y/n: Okay.


Taehyung, was really acting weird. He felt a bit uncomfortable. There was a couple behind us which were really talking loud and lovey dovey, which also made you a bit annoyed. You looked closely to see it was Soo-ah. Now you understand why he was so uncomfortable. Then you remembered what happened between Soo-ah and Taehyung. You wanted to wake up and tell them to shut the hell up but instead you called a waiter and told them.

Y/n: Sorry waiter.

You raised you hand getting the waiters attention.

Waiter: Yes, Mrs. do you need anything?

Y/n: Yes, I would like you to please tell that table to keep it down.

Taehyung stared at you in suprise. He didn't expect you do that.

Waiter: Sure Mrs.

He left to the table behind us and told them to keep it down. You could see they felt a bit embarrassed.

Taehyung: Y/n?

He whispered to you.

Y/n: Now they know how if feels to get embarrassed

Taehyung: What do you mean?

Y/n: I know what happened between you and Soo-ah.

You said trying not to let anyone else hear.

Taehyung: ....

Y/n: I'm done eating.

Taehyung: Okay, let's go.

The both of your'll woke up, paid at the counter and left to the park.

In the car

Taehyung: Who told you?

He asked a bit sad.

Y/n: No one. Don't worry about it.

At the park

Your'll went to the park to relax. Your'll saw many couples, families, children and even elderly people. We were about to get ice-cream when a little boy around 5 years old ran to you crying.

Boy: N..Noona! *sobs*

Y/n: Awww sweetie are you lost?

Boy: Y..Yes, I can't f..find m..my parents *cries*

Y/n: Don't cry sweetie.

Taehyung: We'll help you look for you parents.

Y/n: What's your name honey?

Boy: Park Yoojung.

Taehyung: Aww, what a nice name. Let's go look for your Eomma and Appa Yoojung.

Yoojung: O..Okay.

We walked around the park looking for Yoojung's parents and it reminds you of your unborn baby. Taehyung also acted really different with children. He was more kinder and bubbly with them. He started making joke with Yoojung to cheer him up and look at that it actually worked. Then two panicked parents were calling our for Yoojung and they spotted us with Yoojung.

Yoojung's Eomma: Thank you both soo much for finding our son.

Yoojung's Appa: We are really grateful.

Taehyung: No problem.

They were about to leave when Yoojung hugged you and said...

Yoojung: Thank you Noona.

Y/n: No problem honey. Take care.

He then hugged Taehyung and said...

Yoojung: Thank you Hyung.

Taehyung: Ahh no problem. Take care of yourself and your parents okay.

He nodded and left with his parents while waving at us.

We finally bought our ice-cream and sat and enjoyed it.

Taehyung: You'd be such a great Eomma.

Y/n: And you'd be such a great Appa.

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