Chaper One

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*BEEP BEEP* Monroe's alarm echoed through the nearly empty room. Monroe groaned and slapped the off button and jumped out of bed. It was the first day of sophomore year after all. She had just moved from the big city of New York to the small town of Greenville hoping to have a fresh start. Monroe walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face and take her meds. She hurried back into her room to get dressed into the outfit she had set out the night before, a pair of black denim shorts a white shirt and a red flannel tied around her waist. After she headed down stairs. "Good morning" said her mom. "Good morning" she replied. "Did you take ur medicine?" her mother asked."Yes I did" Monroe said "good, here's you pancakes hun." "Thanks mom" "hey sweetie I packed ur you lunch, is it in there?" her father asks "yup it's there" when she was finished she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. She couldn't be late for the first day at her new school.

When she reached the school doors she took a deep breath releasing all nervousness from her face as she was not one to show her feelings. She finally gathered the courage to open the doors and walk to the front office. The sound of a big crowd scared her but she tried not to let it throw her off. When she reached the main desk the lady said "Name?" Coldly. Ignoring the rude lady's tone she said "Monroe." "Ahhh, your the new girl, well here's your schedule I'm sure one of our kind students will help direct you to you class. And there's one right there. "Hey Stella would you be kind enough to help our new student here " The lady said. "Yeah, how can I help?" Stella says gently. "Just direct her to her first block" the desk lady says "Ok" she replies Monroe and Stella walk out of the office there was an awkward silence. "Ok where is your first block?" Stella said happily. "Hmmm, AP biology room 132" Monroe says. "Oh how convenient, that's my first block as well, so let's get going" Stella says.

Hey thanks for reading part one! sorry that it's kinda short but thanks again bye for now. 🤩

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