The Show

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The next few days went by in a blur. Before I know it, I'm sitting in Colton's room, once again, as I wait for him to get out of the shower. He had told me we were going somewhere fun tonight, but he wouldn't tell me where. He told me to dress somewhat warmly but we will be dancing so I'm guessing we are going to a club? Somewhat? Like what does that even mean? I have no clue. So, I was wearing a red ribbed brami and a pair of washed-out ripped jeans along with a pair of white vans.

It was the middle of October so hopefully, it wouldn't be too cold. I mean it was in the sixties now in New York, so maybe I should grab a jacket. About that time, Colton comes strolling out of his bathroom with only a pair of boxers on his waist. Hot damn.

"You just love to make me want to pin you down on this bed, huh?" I ask him as he comes near me with a smirk on his face.

He begins to flex as hard as he can, "I don't know what you're talking about, babe?" Oh, screw it. There's no time to get a jacket.

I covered my eyes, "Get dressed you pig!"

He chuckled before straddling me on the bed, "Oh baby, we both know you love it." He left butterfly kisses down my neck making my breathing hitch. He then began to roll his hips on top of me a few times before climbing off of me completely. I sit up and look at him bewilderedly letting my mouth part open a little, he begins to laugh as I become flustered, "Now we wouldn't want to be caught, would we?"

I dropped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, "You're an ass."

"I'm your ass though." He winked at me before walking into his closet to get dressed. He comes back out in a pair of jeans and a white beater that clung to him perfectly. He put on a pair of Sperry's and walked over to me once again.

"You look hot," I tell him.

He looked me up and down and bit his lip, "Oh baby, you don't even compare. So beautiful."

I blushed and climbed off the bed so I was standing right in front of him, "Well can we go? I really wanna know where we are going!"

He pulled me into a hug, "Yeah baby, we can. I hope you enjoy it. I know I'm going to."

"Can't you just tell me where we are going?" I whined.

He chuckled and began to lead me down the stairs, "Now where's the fun in that?" Once we reach the bottom of the stairs he yells, "Bye Mom and Dad. Be back later!"

"Have fun!" They responded.

We stepped outside and walked towards his car, "So your parents know where we are going but I don't?" I whined.

He chuckled, opening up the passenger door for me, "They gave me the idea."

I gasp and hit his arm, "You suck."

He patted my knee twice before shutting the door and running to the driver's side, "I also swallow." He winked at me before starting the car and peeling out of the driveway. We drove more into the city until we stopped at a place I had only been to a very few times. Madison Square Garden.

"Why are we here?" I ask him. I squinted to see if I could read the sign of who was here tonight, but it was too far away.

He chuckled, ignoring my question as he climbed out of the car and jogged over to my side to let me out. We walked hand in hand towards the entrance when he stopped, turned to me, and pulled out two tickets, "Well uh, I guess I should tell you what we are doing."

I cocked my head at him, "You think?"

"We are going to see Post Malone." He says super-fast.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What? The noise around was too loud to decipher what he was saying.

"We are going to see Post Malone," he calmly says with a huge smile on his face.

"No Way!" I jumped up and down before pulling him into a hug.

He laughed, "Yeah I got tickets for the Pit too." I gasped as I pulled him in for a kiss and grabbed a ticket out of his hand before dragging him to the entrance. We got inside and made our way down to the pit. We get there and can easily see an amazing shot of where he will be standing.

I squealed for probably the hundredth time tonight and squeezed Colton's hands extra tight, "How did you get such amazing seats?"

"I know people," He slyly said before pausing for a moment, "Well my Dad does."

"Oh right. Mr. Famous." I teased.

He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me tightly, "Babe, don't make me take you home."

"Sorr-ryy," I dragged out.

Eventually, the concert started and Colton and I began to sing every song that played. Even though we were mostly off-key since we weren't the best singers.

"You probably think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down"

I couldn't help but think about Luke, and how we broke up just a few weeks ago. I know I am better now at least. I have a man that loves me unconditionally, through thick and thin. I take endless numbers of pictures until my phone battery starts to die so I turn to Colton, "Babe, can you put my phone in your pocket? It's almost dead and my pockets aren't big enough for it." Who came up with the idea that girl pockets should be small to the point where you can barely fit your fingers inside? Don't even get me started on jeggings...

He nods and slips my phone into his pants pocket and we begin to focus on the music in the moment, not through a screen. The concert ended around eleven and we started to make our way to the T-shirts because I wanted to buy one to remember this day.

Once we arrive at the gift shop we stand in the never-ending line to purchase a shirt. "Ugh. This line is never going to end!"

Colton chuckles beside me, "Patience, darling."

"Never heard of her," I mumble, leaning on his shoulder.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around, "Hey!" A girl says to me. You can tell she had been smoking due to her red eyes.

"Hey," I stifled a laugh.

She held something out to me, "Do you want a backstage pass? We aren't using it. But take it! Someone gave it to us earlier. Also, you're really pretty! Your boyfriend is hot too!"

My eyes widened at her random rambling probably due to the fact she was high as a kite. I slowly take the pass out of her hands, "Um, thank you?"

"No problem! I'm Tiffany and this is my friend, Faith." She introduces us like we are fixing to be best friends even though we will probably never see him again.

I smile and wave, "I'm Ivy and this is my boyfriend, Colton."

"Well, you better go! They are leaving soon." They tell me, referring to the pass.

I look down at the legit pass and turn to Colton who just stares at me.

"Can I go? Just really quick, I promise." I beg him. I take a twenty out of my wallet and hand it to him, "Will you stay in line? I will be back in ten minutes then you can go in! I'll meet you back in line if I don't see you behind the door."

He looks at me skeptically before sighing, "I guess-" I squeal and kiss him on the cheek before running out of the store and making my way to the door where I am led backstage to meet one of my idols. When I get inside, I am greeted by a vision of smoke. The smell of cigarettes and weed fills the air. I look around at all of the people and smile. I've never had the experience of being able to go backstage.

I follow the signs that are labeled Meet and Greet and walk until I see a line of fans. Here already. There were about ten people in front of me as I stood in line. The line seemed to go by super-fast and before I knew it, I was shaking hands with Post Malone.

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