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A/N Hello okay so the name thing was not planed I was writing and noticed the names it was not planed I swear on the river Styx. 

Hello I am Elizabeth Turner. I have natural bleach blonde hair that once I have it down has natural beach wave curls (my hair goes to the end of my back) . I have purple eyes that I cover with prescription blue contacts. Have purple eyes is rare and the only girl that it happened to  that I know of became famous because of her eyes. I think her name was Elizabeth Taylor. Her eyes look blue most of the time but mine are like purple all the time unless I'm wearing my contacts otherwise I am wearing my glasses and that is just at home or my trips to the store to get food. 

"Lizzy I'm going to she store." My beautiful mother walked into the my room. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer five years before my birth. She beat cancer in three years. My father had stuck with her through the whole thing even though sometimes she looked like crap. But once she recovered she was more beautiful than normal. She had medium length blonde hair  it was longer before cancer struck and I heard from my pa that she cried once she had to cut off her hair. (I would too if my hair went down to my knees.) She had glorious crystal blue eyes. She kinda look like an Angel. 

"Mom I can do it for you if you want."  I got up from the floor in front of my bookshelf and walked over to her " What is it that you need?"

"Are you sure you want to go out in public like that." I looked down at what I was wearing and back up at mom.

"What do I have to look the part of a nerd?" 


"Mom I always leave the house like this." I was wearing a white lace off the shoulder blouse and cut off shorts that are frayed at the ends. I also had my hair up in a messy pony tail. And my glasses.

"Okay fine, here's the shopping list and the money to pay for every thing." 

"Thanks mom." She kissed my cheek and walked out the room.

I threw on my blue converse and got my purse. I ran down the stairs and out to my car. It was a 2011 ford mustang  from my mom because on her last movie she wanted to spend money so she bought me a car. Her career flopped after a few movies because she was prego with my brother. Jacob is now one and a half but he is irrelevant right now.

On the way to the store I blasted my music. Demons by ID was playing and because that was my all time favorite song so I sang along.

 When the days are cold

And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale 

I wanna hide the truth

I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

I got the store before the song was finished which made me a little mad but eh. 

I looked at the shopping list while  I got out of the car mapping out where I could find it in the store so that I could go to the book store.



Cream of tarter

Baby Food



Barbecue Sauce




A box of soda

Beef Jerky

Okay so the last four were for me but I'll pay for it.

~~Time skip to check out~~

"Hon you know that you should not be having kids at your age your what 17?" The Cashier asked her name was Barbra.

"Yes I am but the baby stuff is for my brother I'm too lazy to have a social life much less get knocked up I'm just doing the shopping for my mom because I wanted to hit B&N." I say with a polite voice and a smile.

"Child have I met you before?"

"No, but my mom was an actress her name is Jamie Tyler."

"That is your mom. Child you are blessed with a lot of gifts, your different eyes, a great actress for a mother and New York's #1 best selling author for a father."

"Thank you ."

"Well Have a great day."

"You too." I waved took my bags and walk back out in the April heat to my car.I put the bags on the floor of the passenger seat, turned up the music and drove to the greatest store on Earth.

~~Time skip to her home~~

"Need help carrying the world?" Mom walked out to my car and took the grocery's I took my four bags of books. What can I say I splurged. 

"Sorry I got caught up at the book store they were having a sale."

"What kind of sale?"

"Half off any and all YA books."

"You and your books."

"Just remember you liked to read scripts for fun and most of them weren't your movie."

"Ah the simpler times."

"What ever you say." We got to the kitchen and mom started to put things away. I grabbed my bag of goodies and before I went up to my room I put my bacon in the fridge.

"So your not going to use the mini fridge we put in your room last week."

"Wait I have a mini fridge?"

"Yeah it's that thing that has a piles of books on it."

"Oh that thing that's next to my bed?"


"That's a mini fridge?"


"Wow." I grab my bacon(pre-cooked) and ran up to my room. Now time to reorganize my bookshelves. I have five shelves that go from wall to wall. This will be really fun.        

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