July 2 - "Three nights apart." (4)

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I woke up quite early.
I let Joe sleep while I took some time for myself.
I took a bath and I used those scented oils and scented candles they give in hotels.

When I put on my bathrobe, I looked myself in the mirror.
I have always had a love-hate relationship with my body.
I tended to cover up-rather than show myself because I didn't like being the center of attention.
So I hardly ever put on anything that would attract anyone's eyes to me.

I am very insecure and hesitant about myself and I am timid.
Most of the time I wished I wasn't like that.
But everytime I tried... every time I tried to do something to change that... my insecurities were always there, ready to block me.

I couldn't let myself go, even if I wanted to.
My friend Delilah used to tell me to get out of my comfort-zone, to risk more... but that step was more difficult than I expected.

I have an olive skin, almost pale in the winter.
My hair color is dark brown, almost black when they got wet.
Same color as my eyes.
Pretty anonymous, but I like their round shape.

My hair quite long, just below my shoulders, as a child I had them very curly, now they became more naturally wavy.
I have a lean body, not a tonic one... I don't train in the gym like Joe does... everyday.
Again, pretty anonymous.

When I returned to the room I saw Joe stretching on the bed, I laughed because his dark blonde hair was all messed up in front of his forehead.
"You look terrible." I told him noticing his dark circles under his eyes.
"Is this the good morning you give me?" He joked.
His voice was still hoarse from sleep.

He grabbed the belt of my bathrobe and dropped me playfully on the bed.
"Good morning." I said, brushing his hair that covered his blue eyes.
"Good morning to you..."
He clasped his hands along my hips and kissed my neck, his lips so cold that I shivered.
Then he kissed me impulsively and his hand slid on my belly and the other one on my low back.

My alarm clock interrupted that moment.
Yet he kept rubbing against my body.
"Come on, go take a shower... I have to get dressed." I admonished him smiling as I turned off the annoying sound of the alarm clock.
Joe huffed contritely, but got out of bed.

I chose a blue beach sleeveless dress, gathered my hair into a ponytail and wore a white pair of converse.
When Joe returned, still wet and wearing only a towel, he gave me a smug wink.
I looked at his fit and sculpted body that he cared too much about.

"Joe, stop it. We're already late..." I laughed at him and rolled my eyes.
He approached me slowly and kissed me passionately.
"Hmm, you look very hot..." He whispered against my lips.
After several attempts to remind him that we would have been late, he got dressed too, wearing a black shirt and shorts.

We left the room and went down to the second floor, where breakfast was being served.
"What do you recommend for a hangover?" He asked laughing as we walked through the buffet.
"A vegetable smoothie. So maybe you'll stop drinking for good."
Joe hates vegetables.

He shook his head nauseatedly and turned gigglingly toward the salty foods section.
I went for sweet ones.
At one point I lost sight of him, so I sat down at the first free table I found.
Ten minutes passed, so I called him on his phone.
He didn't respond.

"Hi!" Someone call me when I was about to text him.
I looked up and Bella was in front of me.
She smiled, holding a full plate on her hand as she sat to my left.

She was wearing a light blue sleeveless
dress with some lace embroidery.
That color somehow matched her light skin.
"Hi... Good morning." I answered awkwardly.
I took the phone back in my hand to complete the message.

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