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There were two events lined up to happen.

The first was Surprise Visit, an event originally by Theo—yet since Y/n had successfully prevented Theo and her from happening, it meant he was safe; for now. The other was Rumors fly, one that involved him and Elliot. It was a stupid situation to begin with: since the information had flitted around that Angelina's brother had gotten hurt instead of her, naturally, some of the girls viewed Angelina as a mere nuisance; and she would be targeted heavily on her trip back to the academy. Then Elliot would swoop in like a fucking savior.

Not that the eager blonde in front of him knew.

"It was so fun, Brother," She gushed, "lord Claude used his magic effortlessly—we went around the city square in the sky; can you even believe that? He was so funny, too.."

Well, good that Angelina was also steadily falling in love. But bad for him since he would be facing the consequences if they did get together.

"That's nice to hear," Y/n hummed, "so? You like him?"

She blushed.

"Well, not like that, but yes, he's a great friend.." She trailed off, deep in thought, "but I don't think I love him—at least, for now. I certainly don't make out with him like you do with the Prince."

Y/n tried to do a polite cough, but it dissolved into sputters.

"Wait, what? Since when—"

"Oh, when he aggressively dragged you into an empty room, I was suspicious. And then you came back with flushed cheeks and swollen lips; and His Highness looked so aggravatingly smug, then my worst fears were confirmed. I still can't believe it..." She frowned, "yes, he saved you, but.."


"Just admit you have something against him," Y/n gave a lengthy sigh, "why do you even hate him so much?"

"He pretended none of us existed and only now he bothers to show up in the academy," She grumbled, "no matter how you look at it, his personality is bad."


All were valid points.

Y/n couldn't really say anything to refute it.

"Welllll, I can't do anything to defend him," Y/n chuckled softly, "but I can't say anything against him either, when he's been nothing but kind towards me."

"Kind," Angelina mimicked, "you mean totally ravenous and loving? He can't take his eyes off you, and he can't take his hand off his sword. If it weren't for the fact he annoyed me so much, I would have been terrified of him."

It was strange, now that he thought of it. Almost funny. Angelina and Aristidis were supposed to love. But now they positively tolerated each other.

Y/n raised an eyebrow playfully. "Ravenous and loving? That's quite the combination."

"It is," Angelina frowned, "but it's true."

"The Prince.." Y/n trailed off, "I suppose this is the first time—he has really opened up to someone. I won't say I'm not flattered, or that I don't love him, because I truly do; but in the end, each person has their own..way of doing things."

"And you trust that? Do you trust him?"

"I don't think it's about trust, necessarily," Y/n mused. "It's more about being open to the possibility that people can change, even if it's a slow process. You never know what's going on in someone else's mind."

"Never know what's going on in someone's mind.." Angelina stared off in a distance, "that's right. For a moment of time—I never—I never really understood you, brother." She confessed, wringing her hands, "I thought; I thought.."

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