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[A Fortunate Encounter] was the name of the next event that would be happening. It was when Angelina got kidnapped; and Theo—another love interest; had saved her.

Y/n was supposed to accompany Angelina to the palace; but in light of things, he was now incredibly icy to her—and he had fortunately saved the trouble of attending the Emperor's meeting because of his injuries.

A week or more had passed since then; and more or less, Y/n was healed. But now he was growing increasingly desperate. would it be possible; for him to stop the next event? The previous event had already proved that no matter what happened, it would be all for naught...

Or, he could simply replace Angelina in the scenario, like he had replaced Angelina in the Aristidis route.

The route with the Crown Prince was the only one he had managed to stop. Was it because he had replaced the female lead?

But this was a different story. This was a kidnapping—and Y/n was reluctant to go through another share of pain after he had already been almost killed by a magical creature, and ambushed by bandits.

But it was either that or returning to his previous world, and death.

Y/n would choose kidnapping in a jiffy.

Y/n stopped his pacing and looked out of the window, gazing at the distant horizon—he didn't exactly know how he would pull this off; considering Aristidis, after two consecutive incidents, would allow him to venture out again. But The Crown Prince was currently..busy.

If Y/n just left him a note, it wouldn't be too bad, right..?

The kidnapping would take place at the city square, and..


It could be this simple.

Y/n would simply write a note detailing how he was going to visit the city square; and if—when he did get kidnapped, instead of Theo, Aristidis would be the one to rescue him. He would just have to wait patiently till then. And the game said before; that Angelina "was thankfully unharmed." So likely he would be able to get out of this unscathed.

The initial root of his motivation was partially because of Angelina—because he didn't want any harm to befall her. And now? It was utterly selfish. Angelina was in his way, and no one could deny that.

So now the letter. Y/n bit his lip. How should he address Aristidis? In a light-hearted manner, a loving manner, or simply a formal one? would have to be a little funny to ebb away the anger he would feel once Y/n was kidnapped.

Y/n was considerably more cheerful now—though his mood was still dampened, overall. He refused to talk to either Elliot, Angelina, or Iris.

That fucking robot was on his nerves.



To your esteemed Highness, the sun of the Empire and the one who has come to rescue us from the trenches of evil (I'm just kidding, Ari)

I'll be heading out for a little while. To the city square (remember our little date there? You chased me around. I've yet to take my revenge.) I'll be visiting the little dessert store.

You don't need to worry about me. My wounds have long been healed! So don't go killing anyone.. (Pinky Promise.)

Your favorite person in the entire world (seriously, it scares me)

Livio Aragon

When Y/n finished the letter, he folded it up neatly—and placed it neatly on the desk. He deliberately left the door unlocked; knowing that Aristidis would come knocking sooner and later, and would discover the letter. Then he would come to the dessert shop—discover Y/n was gone, and promptly find out he was kidnapped. The only real struggle would be ensuring Aristidis didn't just..get rid of everyone who kidnapped him.

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