Chapter 1

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During the 1400s, there stood a kingdom

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During the 1400s, there stood a kingdom. Kingdom of Nooa.
It held the position of the most richest and most powerful kingdom during the period.
But with that position, it also had many enemies, ready to attack and take over the kingdom.
The only reason why the kingdom of Nooa still exists are the brave and loyal protectors of the kingdom.
The assassins and warriors of the kingdom were known to be very fierce and strong.

None of the other kingdoms could ever defeat them.
Even after having so much power, the rulers of the kingdom were still very ground to earth.
They respected the commoners and even helped their neighbouring countries during the time of need.
Soon enough, the kingdom was blessed with a beautiful princess.
After her birth, the whole kingdom celebrated.
The best of the best fortune tellers were called, and they all had the same thing to say.
They all predicted that the princess will be the protector of the kingdom and will change the it's fate.
Both the king and the queen were overjoyed.
The news of the birth of the baby girl reached to their rival kingdom.

On the naming day of the princess, every neighbouring kingdom was called to the feast.
Right when they announced her name and held her high in the air, an arrow was shot, aiming at her.

Thankfully, the general of the army shielded the princess. There was a letter attached to it. It read,
"she'll die a very painful death."
All the guests there were whispering and talking. The general ordered his army to search the direction from which the arrow came.

The queen of Nooa was very paranoid from this incident. She was constantly worrying about her daughter.
The king was troubled, too.
She was the successor of the kingdom. She had to be safe.

The king then had an idea. He called the general of the army, who was also his most trusted friend.
As soon as the general came, the king and the queen kneeled down.
"What are you doing, my king?" The general asked while pulling the king back up.
"We need your help," the king begged.

"My life is yours, tell me what shall I do ?" The general asked.
"Take our baby and protect her. She's our last hope. The enemies are after her !!!
You have to save her!" The queen pledged.

The general nodded, took the baby and and rushed out through a secret tunnel.
The king and the queen could only watch as their baby slowly disappeared.

**23 yrs later**

"Engfa !! Come here," the general yelled.
"Coming !!" a young lady yelled as she put down her sword from which she was training.
"Why are you always with the swords instead of doing girlish stuffs ?" the general asked.
"Well, father!! I'm not like someone who always likes to surround herself with flowers," Engfa said playfully.
"Hey !!! I don't always do that," another lady in her 20s came out defending herself.

"Why are you two always arguing?" The general asked.
Engfa giggled and took a bite from an apple.
"Probably because this young lady over here has a mindset of a 5 year old child," Charlotte said, snatching Engfa's apple and taking a bite.

"Just because I don't spend my day reading loads of books doesn't mean I am not smart !!" Engfa defended herself.
"You are indeed very smart, who else can find thousands of ways to get in trouble," Charlotte mocked Engfa.

"I am planning to take over the general's place in the kingdom," Engfa said, proudly.
"Just because you can use sword doesn't mean you can replace him!" Charlotte spoke again.
"Well, my dear, I'm not planning on replacing him, I just want to walk in his path," Engfa said as she pinched Charlotte's nose.
"Hey, don't do that !!" Charlotte yelled.

Engfa took her apple back and sprinted from there. "I'll be back till night," she yelled on the way.

Engfa then took her sword and her horse with her.
She then went inside the forest for god knows what.
Engfa has always preferred going to forests and train.
She sure has some amazing skills. She has already won against many so-called men of the society.
She is just natural and can easily defeat well trained soilders on her own.
She spent the whole day training and on her way back, she saw a beautiful rose on the way.
"She'll like it for sure," Engfa said to herself and plucked the flower.
She carefully carried the flower and went back. On the way, her horse accidentally tripped over someone of the market place.
"Hey!! Watch where you're going," Engfa yelled as she helped her horse get back up, without even bothering to look at eho it was.
She carefully checked for the rose and it was perfectly fine.
"What'd you say ?" Someone said ad they grabbed Engfa's shoulder.
She turned around and saw who was standing in front of her.
He was the well known commander of royal soilders.

"Scared ?" He asked, smiling evilly.
"Children don't scare me," Engfa smirked.
He cursed under his breath before attacking her.

"Bow down to me" he yelled for everyone to hear.

Charlotte's Pov

I was worried for Engfa as she was very late today. I just hope she isn't in trouble. She always creates trouble for her. I'm constantly in fear for her safety.
As I was praying to God for her safe arrival, someone broke into our home and called for my father.
"General, someone beheaded the commander-

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