Chapter Nine | No Time To Waste

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Something woke Elijah from his sleep. He opened his eyes and glanced over his shoulder; Zoe wasn't in bed, and the phone wire was stretching from the wall and into the bathroom, which was where the girl's aura was coming from.

Zoe quietly said, "Hi, Papa." There was sadness in her voice. "Sorry for calling so early."

Elijah focused his hearing so that he could listen to their conversation.

"Zoe? Vhy are you calling on zhis number?" a tired voice with a thick accent asked.

"Jake and I decided to go on a little road trip and I'm staying in a hotel, sorry," she lied. "I bumped into someone, and my phone fell and it broke, so I need to buy a new one."

"A voad trip to vhere?"

"To the Citadel so Jake can make some content."

The man sighed and said, "You're going all zhe vay zhere just so 'e can make some videos?"

"Yeah," she mumbled, her despondent tone worsening. "I'm looking forward to it. It should be fun."

"Vhat's vrong? You sound upset."

"I'm just...really anxious right now," she said shakily and was clearly starting to cry.

"Vhy?" the man asked with concern in his voice.

"I don't know, I just really miss you and Daddy," she sobbed.

"I'm sorry ve're so busy all zhe time. Ve'll try to come and see you soon, I promise."

She sniffled quietly. "That's okay, I'll be fine. I just mostly wanted to hear your voice."

The man took a few moments to reply. "Are you sure everyving is okay?"

"Yeah, I think just all the stress and stuff from our trip is throwing me off and giving me anxiety."

Elijah rolled his eyes and stopped listening when the man started comforting her. He wasn't getting any useful information, so he wasn't going to waste his energy.

He glanced at his watch. It was 7 a.m., which meant there was only another hour to kill until he could get a car and start making his way to Flinnwick.

The demon heard Zoe put the phone down. For a moment, the girl sniffled and sighed, and then she opened the bathroom door.

"Jake," she whispered.

With a quiet groan, Jake replied, "What?"

"Come into the bathroom with me for a sec."

The kid shuffled around. "Uh...why?"

Zoe sighed irritably. "It's a secret. Just come here."

Elijah listened as Jake got up from the couch and went over to her.

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