Chapter One

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Here I am; walking down this corridor I walked down a million times when I was younger. Everything is exactly the way I remember it; dirty marks covering the light grey walls, muddy footprints in lines all over the once perfectly white floor and also completely empty of any other human being. I would have expected it to be a little bit cleaner but then when I thought about what actually went on down here I wasn't surprised with how it looked. In all honesty, I wouldn't want it any other way; this place is the closest thing I have to a home anymore.

I walked until I came to the operations room, the big, black OP still painted onto the door. After debating on whether or not to go in, I pushed open the door and got exactly what I was expecting, every single god damn gun in the room was now aimed directly at me. I probably shouldn't have walked in unannounced. "What the hell are you doing in here?" A voice somewhere in the back shouted loudly at me. I held my hands open in the air to show that I was unarmed and meant them no harm. "Everyone put your weapons down." He barked and everybody did as he said some more hesitantly than others, and I took a slight breath of relief. That could have gone terribly wrong, these boys don't fuck around, they shoot to kill.

"What should we do with her?" A young man asked, he could have only been in his early twenties wearing a smart suit and tie but it was obvious he hadn't been with the department for very long; you never ever let outsiders know that you don't know what you're doing. That is a big no-no.

"Take her to interrogation room 3." The same voice from before commanded and I groaned internally. Another man, slightly older this time-maybe's mid-to-late thirties, still dressed in the standard uniform of a suit and tie, took a step away from everybody else and a step closer to me. "Turn around." His voice was gentler than the other mans but his tone was still firm and demanding, carrying with it a warning to do as he said or face the consequences. I prefer not to have 9mm holes in my chest so I did as he said feeling every pair of eyes in the room on me, some people already gripping their pistols again just waiting for me to try and run. My hands were secured firmly in place behind my back with a set of rigid handcuffs that I was sure were going to leave bruises with how tightly they had been secured. I was then forcefully pushed back out of the door I had entered through and down a never ending maze of identical corridors to another door with IR3 painted on it in black. When I saw what was inside of the room it was exactly the way I had seen it the last time I was in here; two chairs with a table separating them and four brick plain grey walls. "Sit down." He motioned to one of the two chairs before leaving me alone staring at my enclosure; it had been a while.

It must have been at least two hours before somebody came to see me. Thankfully this time it was a familiar face but I very highly doubted that he would recognise me. It had been just over five years since we had seen each other last and I had changed a considerable amount; my once blonde dyed hair now back to its natural dark brown, the brown contact lenses I once wore now long gone so he was staring into my icy blue eyes, I had also been built up a little bit more since our last encounter. I am no longer the shy, vulnerable girl he once knew where as he hadn't changed in the slightest. "Name?" He started with the familiarities but that wasn't why I was here. He didn't need to know who I was at this point so I would not tell him.

"I can't tell you sir." He gave me a cold, icy stare trying to intimidate me into giving him answers but when I didn't he wrote my previous answer down on his small piece of paper.


"I can't tell you sir." I gave him the same standard answer I was taught and trained to give when asked personal questions. Seeing as he wasn't getting anywhere with personal questions he changed his tactic.

"How did you get in here?" I didn't say anything, instead choosing to sit and stare into his eyes and I could tell I was making him uncomfortable when he slightly shifted in his seat. "Flash."

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