Chapter 1- Café

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Welcome to my new story!<3


「 Harry 」

Sitting outside of the café, sipping on the hot black coffee. My minds wanders.

Why isn't she here?

She's here, every day. Seven am sharp.

Taking my wrist up, I check my Rolex.



I stand up, looking around for any signs that she's here. Sighing, I start walking towards her place.

She lives on the first floor.

As I stand outside her window. I see her.

God, she's gorgeous.

Her long brown wavy hair.

Her soft brown big eyes.

She's so short it's adorable.

The sundresses she wears, even when its cold.

As I look closer, I see her crying. I frown.

I grit my teeth. Who made her cry?

She leans her head against the wall, becoming frustrated, she punches the wall lightly. Immediately she backs away and strokes the wall, where she hits it apologizing to a wall.

I chuckle, shaking my head.

Shes an angel.

My head turns to her roommate walking in.

Fucking Stephanie.

Or 'Stephie,' as Camila calls her.

She's nothing but trouble, to my angel.

I might just get rid of-

Camila is the type to stay home and read books or watch movies.

To pet dogs and well is bubbly.

Stephanie is the type to go party. Even when its a week day and to get wasted.

To fuck left and right.

Clenching my jaw. I walk towards my car, that's parked near the café.


"Harry do you think I'm attractive?" Hans comes in my office, wearing pink fucking sunglasses.

Rolling my eyes, I ignore him.

"Right, boss" he smirks, sitting in the chair infront of my desk.

"So what did you need the info on Camila Sofia?" he leans in the chair, raising his eyebrows.

I hate, her name coming out of his, disgusting mouth. God dammit.

It's not like I'm a fucking stalker or a pervert.

She's interesting. Shes about to graduate and is over eighteen

"None of your fucking business" I mutter. Why did I hire him again?

Hans is big and good at this job. With light brown hair and dark green eyes.

"Yes, sir" he nods, making a serious face before throwing his head back, laughing.

Fucks sake.

"The fbi called" he wiggles his eyebrows.

I hate him.

We're like the fbi but more of an secret.

"Two children missing and one of them had a chip" he makes an confused face "paranoid mother" he whispers.

"Anyways we're gonna get them and they're probably so many more kids there" he sighs frowning.

Rolling my eyes, he tells the address and we get ready.

"Call Jake Eli and Fred" I demand, checking if the guns were all loaded.

My mission tomorrow is to talk to Camila.


"Hendrezen" what kinda fucking lame name is that? "Drop your weapons. There's no point" fuck head.

We hear shuffling and he comes out raising his hands, looking down.

Easy much.

"Jake take him" I nudge my head towards Hendrezen. Jake mumbles something under his breath, annoyed as he handcuffs Hendrezen.

Children's already taken to the hospital to check up. We take Hendrezen in another van, as we take another van.

Leaning my head back closing my eyes. I sigh out tired.

"Yo, Harry" Fred nudges me. I grunt annoyed.

Fuck sake. Why can't I work alone?

I look at him.

"I got more info on your little crush" he smirks.

She was a hard one digging up. It's like she didn't want anyone to ever find her past.

I mean what can she possibly have done that's so wrong?

"They're in you office" Fred nods his head.

Rolling my eyes. I turn my head to look at the other boys.


As we make it, it's two in the morning.

I take a seat at my desk and see the papers.

Taking it. I read it

Camila Maria Sofia.
Father: Alejandro Martin.
Mother: Maria Isabella.
Status on parents: dead.
Cause: car crash.

They're's three pages of her information.

Reading it all, I put it down. Rubbing the inside of my thighs, as I think about her.

God, how would she look on her knees. Just for me.

How would she look begging?

How would she look arching her soft back?

How would her moans sound?

Fucking music to my ears.

If she isn't there tomorrow. I'll just go to her.


Hehe this is.. yup yup.

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